Advertising Partner Resources High Impact Display Bundle
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Creative Specifications
High Impact Display Bundle

Big Screen
• Image Dimensions – 1600x578 and 650x550 (both sizes needed for big and smaller screens)
(be sure top right corner of 1600x578 has no content if sending optional video link)
• Image Format – JPG, GIF, PNG (No HTML or 3rd party ad tags)
• Animation
     - 3-loop MAX. No unlimited looping
     - NO blinking/flashing text or images
     - Must have a final landing screen after third loop
       which should contain CTA
• Size – 300KB max per image
• Click URL
• *3rd Party Tracking Pixel & Click URL Accepted*

Creative Specifications continued next page.

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Creative Specifications
High Impact Display Bundle​

Video Asset on Big Screen Units only  (Optional)
• YouTube link
   • Must not be a “short” link​
   • Horizontal orientation only​
• DO NOT embed video into Big Screen image file​
• Different unit from OTS+ resort page video​

-- OR--​

• Raw file format​
   • File formats preferred – mp4, .mov, .mpeg ​
   • Size – 4MB max​
• Video must be horizontal orientation only


• Image – ​
     - 370x740 and 400x666 (all sizes needed for big and smaller screens)​
     - In-App banner - 280x466​
• Format – JPG, GIF, PNG (no animation, no HTML, no 3rd party ad tags)​
• Total Size – 300KB max​
• Click URL​
• *3rd Party Tracking Pixel & Click URL Accepted*​

*Note: only 1 impression & click tag per creative set. (A “set” contains both image sizes for each ad unit)

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Creative Specifications
High Impact Display Bundle

• Display Ad views at OnTheSnow have proven to drive direct ROAS and also lift the return of other media you have in market, so where applicable create a common thread across all digital channels​
• Use the large palette to drive brand awareness, and any offers you want to incorporate​
• Carefully consider layout options that will work well across each ad size/device​
• Use colors that align with your brand guidelines​
• Write a concise attention-grabbing headline​
• Incorporate unique photography​
• Adding a video asset is optional but highly recommended​
• Include a highly visible button with a strong call-to-action - CTAs should be short, meaningful and action-oriented​
• Add your brand's logo

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