Advertising Partner Resources High Impact Display Bundle
High Impact Display
Product Overview
High Impact Display Bundle

Advertisers will be the first to greet OnTheSnow visitors through desktop and mobile placements with key real estate. The bundle includes big screen and mobile scroller units. Opportunity to overlay a video within the big screen unit, which runs in the top right corner on desktop and will rotate between the image/video on mobile.

High Impact Display
Creative Specifications
High Impact Display Bundle

Big Screen
• Image Dimensions – 1600x578 and 650x550 (both sizes needed for big and smaller screens)
(be sure top right corner of 1600x578 has no content if sending optional video link)
• Image Format – JPG, GIF, PNG (No HTML or 3rd party ad tags)
• Animation
     - 3-loop MAX. No unlimited looping
     - NO blinking/flashing text or images
     - Must have a final landing screen after third loop
       which should contain CTA
• Size – 300KB max per image
• Click URL
• *3rd Party Tracking Pixel & Click URL Accepted*

Creative Specifications continued next page.

High Impact Display
Creative Specifications Continued
High Impact Display Bundle

Video Asset on Big Screen Desktop & Mobile (Optional)
• YouTube link
• Must not be a “short” link
• Horizontal orientation only
• DO NOT embed video into Big Screen image file

-- OR--

Send Raw file
• File formats preferred – mp4, .mov, .mpeg
• Size – 4MB max
• Video must be horizontal orientation only

Mobile Scroller
• Image – 370x740 and 400x666 (both sizes needed for big and smaller screens)
• Format – JPG, GIF, PNG (no animation, no HTML, no 3rd party ad tags)
• Total Size – 300KB max
• Click URL
• *3rd Party Tracking Pixel & Click URL Accepted*

*Note: only 1 impression & click tag per creative set. (A “set” contains both image sizes for each ad unit)

High Impact Display
Creative Best Practices
High Impact Display Bundle

• Display Ad views at OnTheSnow have proven to drive direct ROAS and also lift the return of other media you have in market, so where applicable create a common thread across all digital channels
• Use the large palette to drive brand awareness, and any offers you want to incorporate
• Carefully consider layout options that will work
well across each ad size/device
• Use colors that align with your brand guidelines
• Write a concise attention-grabbing headline
• Incorporate unique photography
• Adding a video asset is optional but highly recommended
• Include a highly visible button with a strong call-to-action - CTAs should be short, meaningful and action-oriented
• Add your brand's logo

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